Sunday, March 1, 2009

Carlos Frum received a phone call from Carlos Arita, the Guatemalan Secret Service Agent accompanying our Guatemala 2009 team to report that the team arrived yesterday without incident and they are now in route to the port city of Livingston in the eastern coast of Guatemala.

The trip by bus will take about six hours and they will stop for lunch on the way. They will dine at a restaurant called Bugamama run as a training facility by Ak’Tenamit. This will be their first encounter with the outstanding young men and women from the Q’eqchi Mayan tribe that work at the restaurant.

Near the restaurant there is also a shop where they sell authentic Q’eqchi Mayan crafted products. The place also has three computers connected to the Internet so we start receiving correspondence from our team.

The team will remain in Livingston at Hotel Villa Caribe and travel every day by boat to Ak’Tenamit on the Rio Dulce to work in the school and dormitories. Mr. Arita said the team is in great spirits and anxious to start working.

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